Sunday, October 11, 2009


Bahar Esmaeily (1982- ) is an English and Arabic teacher at highschools and institutions.
She was born in a nuclear family in Tehran.She started her academic study in 2000.Her major was Physics. During this period she was one of the member of board of directors of Karaj Physics Society and she was the first managing editor of a scientific magazine (Eynak) in the university.Her interest in Literature, Sociology, Psychology and Linguistics coased her make decision to continue her postgraduate study in the field of Teaching English as a foreign and second language. And now, she is an M.A student.
Being interested in Literature, she is managing editor of Anten_ a literary electronic magazine ( on tursdays and Fridays.
Since she wants to be a theorist in educational system,she is one of the outhers of teaching methodology weblogs '' and ''.
She is also the editor of the books " Raze entekhab" and "shagerd koshi ".

1 comment:

  1. Hiiiiiiiii!!!!! have u started this recently? very good.
